Punk Rock Portraits

Tarea is a makeup artist and stylist. She’s multi-talented because she can sing too (or should I say ’cause she can sang).  She needed some creative photos to promote her music. We had fun hanging out in West Phoenix…it was a lovely afternoon indeed.

We decided to check out the railroad cars…

Everything was fine until the cops showed up and made us leave. Despite that little inconvenience, it was an amazing afternoon.

Vintage Photos for ManeEnvy Salon

For a final project I created some advertising/marketing pieces for a local small-business. Mane Envy is a new salon in West Phoenix…the owner decided she wanted a vintage inspired photoshoot showcasing some great hair.

ManeEnvy Salon – 303 West Van Buren Suite 103 Avondale, AZ 85323

phone: (623 882-3700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            623 882-3700      end_of_the_skype_highlighting)